Baxter and Gandalf – One Lazy Winter Day

On a recent lazy winter day, Gandalf was sleeping peacefully on one of mommy’s afghans.
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But then Baxter noticed he was there.
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And, because he loves Gandalf so much, Baxter just had to go wake him up.

Before you could blink your eye, Baxter was laying on mommy’s afghan and Gandalf was on the couch.
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Don’t worry, they’re still friends. A few days later, both were sleeping in/on Baxter’s big cave bed.
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Mama Deer, the Life of one Doe

Harmonic Imagery is also my blog and I wrote this tribute to my friend, Mama Deer to share her life with everyone.

harmonicimagery's Blog

This post is being written as a tribute to my friend, Mama Deer, who has not been around for the past couple of weeks.  Normally, this would not be uncommon for a wild deer.  However, Mama has been an almost daily visitor for the past 10 years or so.  And, her daughters and granddaughter still continue to come by every day.  Below are some photos of Mama over the years.

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I’ve always been infatuated by deer – maybe it was from Bambi and the Yearling (did I cry!) – so when we moved to the Poconos, I would sit by the window and watch for whenever they came by.  Eventually, I started putting corn and apples out to encourage the visits.  It took a few years to get Mama to trust me enough so that she would take goodies from my hands.  Mama was especially fond of wheat bread and could not resist it.

Mama and Me

The first year Mama gave birth, she had one fawn.  I’ve lost track of how many…

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Deer Mating Season

These photos were taken in my front yard yesterday afternoon.

harmonicimagery's Blog

It’s that time of year again.  Today, there was a handsome young buck trying to interest the does that were hanging around.  (See last two pictures).

I believe the buck is one of Mama’s offspring from a few years back.  Mama was not around when he was here.




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Baxter surprised me with his keen intellect this morning – the first thing I thought of was Lassie. I was in the kitchen when I heard him in the living room barking. So I went to see what he was up to and saw he was in “our” recliner chair. He then proceeded to pick up the remote control and bring it over to me excitedly shaking his little stubby tail. It was then I knew that he was saying he wanted me to sit in our chair and watch TV so he could sit with me. He is such a sweetie.

Here’s Baxter “posing” in his new Halloween costume.


